New model of relations: gentle men and strong women

The traditional distribution of roles no longer exists: women master the male model of behavior, men are looking for tenderness and understanding. Floor relations are becoming more and more difficult. Or not?

“What does all of this mean?”-33-year-old Andrey asks himself. A month has passed since the evening when he met in a bar with a bright brunette Yana. After a stormy night, he wanted to know her number. In response, Jan only laughed and said playfully that she would call him herself. Andrei was sure that there would be a continuation – because they had a great time and both were free! But Yana is gone, and Andrei can’t throw this story out of his head.

“Not that I really needed her. But I think all the time: what was

A sada držanje za one koji su spremni riješiti se svoje sramežljivosti. Neka padne na koljena, a vi ležite na leđima sildenafil cijena prilazite mu kako bi bacili noge u životu. Drži vas za bokove, a omiljeni vibrator dodaje se uobičajenom seksu. Dobijte dvostruko zadovoljstvo, razmislit ćete o tome što negdje izgledate!

wrong with where I was mistaken? And in general, how then you need to behave with such girls as keeping them? I don’t understand”.

Andrey in bewilderment, and he can sympathize with him. Like a friend of 40-year-old Daria: “He was one of those who I always liked. We spent a good time: we chatted, had fun, it was gallant, we have similar tastes. But in bed he was too trembling, and I was bored. After that, I quickly stopped relations: I need an active man so that I do not have to guess if he wants me “.

And how many more around such women who want to control everything, play by their own rules, and then complain about their lost, soft, weak partners? Sexologists say that men acquire female qualities today: they are vulnerable, looking for tenderness, want understanding. At the same time, women are increasingly acting like a man: they make decisions, take responsibility, directly express their desires.

Male and female: blurring borders

Everything has changed in life, but not in the image of the reality that we see at parties or on television screens and advertising shields. There, men and women still give themselves as an ideal object of desire: a deep neckline, emphasized waist, stilettos shoes. Or unshaven, strong hands, muscles.

All this is so exaggerated that it resembles a masquerade: as if everyone around decided to dress up in “real men” and “real women”. What do we achieve when we emphasize the signs of the floor? Do we really convince ourselves?

So it is, social psychologists and sexologists are sure. Since we pay so much attention to the external, it means that sexual self -identification is done more and more vague. Traditionally, a man was engaged in work: there he spent almost all his time, but this gave him a dominant position in the family.

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